The Best Flooring Choices for Those with Breathing Issues

Springtime is right around the corner. Unfortunately for those with asthma and other respiratory problems this can mean even more of an everyday struggle. While the outdoors may be out of our control, the flooring that you choose for your home can go a long way to managing allergies and asthma. A customer in Hudson, NH recently visited our showroom complaining about the flooring in her bedroom. She was suspicious that dust mites were in the carpeting, causing her asthma to flare out of control.

Not all flooring is created equal – minimize dust and pollen with hard-surface flooring

Carpeting, while warm and comfortable underfoot, can be a big trigger for those with respiratory problems. Carpet fibers tend to trap dust, pollen, pet dander and other allergens exacerbating breathing problems while in the home. This can be particularly problematic with carpeting in the bedroom, where you are exposed to these contaminants throughout the night.

While steam cleaning and professional carpet cleaning can go a long way to reducing contaminants in the carpet, this can be an ongoing struggle for those susceptible to these allergens. Hard-surface flooring such as vinyl, tile or wood can go a long way to improving breathing quality in the home. It is easier to wipe down these floors, completely removing all contaminants on a regular basis.

In the case of the Hudson homeowner, we swapped out the carpet in her home for a combination of hardwood flooring and tile. She is already beginning to feel some relief from her chronic allergies, feeling more comfortable at home.