Solid vs. Engineered Hardwood – Understanding the Pros and Cons

Hardwood continues to be a favorite among homeowners, with many opting to replace their downstairs living area with the classic look of hardwood. A homeowner in Hollis, NH recently came into our Milford showroom looking to replace her downstairs living room carpet with hardwood flooring. She thought that she knew exactly what she wanted – engineered hardwood. For this customer the cost of engineered over solid hardwood was the only factor that she was considering.

Cost should never be the only concern when choosing a hardwood floor.

A common misconception that homeowners often make is counting out solid hardwood flooring based on price alone. While solid hardwood is expensive, with proper care this flooring can last for decades. It is known for its durability and ability to hold up to everyday wear and tear. Solid hardwood can also be refinished and restored regularly to maintain that new look for years to come.

Engineered hardwood is made using multiple layers of wood. It has man of the same attributes of solid hardwood but at a fraction of the cost. The quality of engineered hardwood can vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer, making it important that you do your research before settling on an engineered hardwood. Because of the thin veneer of wood, engineered hardwood can be difficult to properly sand or refinish.

We took the time to explain to the Hollis homeowner the pros and cons of both solid and engineered hardwood flooring. Ultimately, she chose to go with a solid hardwood, with plans to keep the flooring for the duration of her time in the home. The increased cost of solid hardwood will be well worth it for this homeowner in the long run.